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Marriage Matters Now Welcomes You
Mission Statement of
Marriage Matters Now
Marriage Matters Now was birthed from our real life experience of hitting a wall at the 12 year mark of our marriage. We had to decide whether to walk away or dive into what God intended when he created marriage. We made the choice to get real, safe and vulnerable. From all that God taught us through that experience, we grew a passion and heart for others marriage.

Marriage Matters Now at a Glance
The Heart of Steve and Debbie Wilson
Steve and Debbie Wilson’s heart beats for stronger healthier marriages. In 1990, their marriage fell apart. With God’s intervention and his promise, ”that what He began, he will complete,” Phil 1:6, they worked their way back stronger than ever. It totally changed their passion and journey. After four years of working towards a great marriage, God impressed them to began sharing what God had done and how he could help every marriage. Thus they began teaching marriage conferences around the nation. They are sought out speakers and love every opportunity to share with churches of all sizes, ministers and wives, corporations, and any situation God brings into their path. They speak to all denominations and in all different settings.
Steve and Debbie have been married 45 years. Steve has his Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family counseling and Debbie has her BA in Psychology. They have 3 grown children, two daughter in laws and a son in law and 6 incredible grandchildren. Family is a major priority in their lives and they love sharing their story and experiences of their life and family.
Twenty seven years ago they developed their first conference which deals with the things that were biting their marriage. Everyday issues that drained the life out of their relationship. It is called the Six Mosquitoes, which has now been revised and enhanced, adding two more issues (Mosquitoes). They have written a book on this and is available on this website.
Secondly, God taught them how to communicate beyond surface issues to the heart. The conference titled “Communication: The Missing Piece” teaches couples to take the Six Steps to Communicate at such a level that they are emotionally married. Their second book was written a few years ago on this subject.
Steve and Debbie have multiple topics to speak on in any setting you desire. They normally start with "The 8 Mosquitoes" conference and then "The Communication Conference." They also have a "Parenting with Purpose" conference and our brand new conference is "A New Way to Love." All of these conferences are normally 4-5 hours of speaking normally split into 2 days.
You can book Steve and Debbie by contacting them at:
Marriagemattersnow@gmail.com or just call them at 318-469-2438.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How do I book a conference?
Just give us a call, and we will be happy to see if we can connect with a date that works for a conference for your church or organization.
Just call 318-469-2438 or use our "contact us" email.
2. What does it cost to book a conference?
Every Conference is different. The best thing that you could do is just call and talk with them. There is a normal set fee for a full conference.
Options for how to schedule a conference:
Friday Evening/Saturday Morning
All Day Saturday
All Day Sunday
So call 318-469-2438 or
3. Who or what determines the conference topic?
We have 4 conferences that build on each other. And a Parenting Conference.
Here are the conferences we offer:
They are most effective done in this order. They build on each other.
The 8 Mosquitoes Conference
Deals with:Busyness, Irritability, Thought Life, Drifting Apart, Financial Debt,
No Accountability, Broken Sexual Intimacy and Unforgiveness.
The Communication Conference
We walk couples through 6 levels that lead to an emotionally connected marriage.
A New Way to Love
Based on Paul's words in the book of Philippians. To love deeply out of a heart of gratitude!
Making our marriage look attractive for the gospel.
An Intentional Marriage
Its the Ten Things Every Spouse needs from each other.
Parenting Conference
Parenting with Purpose
Protecting, Preparing, Disciplining and Affirming Your Child
We also offer different topics for a Date Night or Banquets or Pastors and Wives:
Expectations in Marriage
Help! Stop the Spiral
Principles that Prevent and Protect Your Marriage
Marriage and Ministry
Marriage Must Haves
When booking a conference, please feel free to request any topic.
4. How long does a conference last?
Our Conferences are 4-5 hours of teaching. The church or organization can design the conference according to your couples needs and schedule.
We typically do a Friday evening/Saturday morning.
However, all day conferences are an option
as well as two evenings.
We provide a handout to be copied by you for
each participant and we bring a PowerPoint and videos.
5. Where are the conferences normally held?
They can be held at such places as churches, hotels, conference centers, camp facilities, etc...
6. Can Steve and/or Debbie come to my church?
YES!! Steve and Debbie are happy to come to your church.
Please go to the '"contact us" page and fill out the form
and we will get back to you or you may call us at: 318-469-2438.
7. Is childcare available at conferences?
Childcare is at the discretion of the church hosting the event!

Attendee's comments

"Your session has made this weekend worth it all. I needed to hear everything you said."

This is our third conference and we can't get enough. You guys are awesome."